Friday, July 26, 2013

A Breach of Etiquette

A Breach of Etiquette --- At Astoria, on Sunday, Samuel White had some misunderstanding with Mrs. Riorson and she called for the police, whereupon Samuel did there and then willfully and maliciously bite her nose.  The next day he was arraigned before Justice May and held to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $800.  White had evidently not been properly brought up.  He should have chewed the lady's ear, which would have passed for a bit of pleasantry, but to bite her nose and thus spoil her good looks is a piece of cannibalistic savagery which cannot be too strongly condemned.  His conduct on this occasion is very un-[illegible].

[By "should have chewed the lady's ear" is the author referring to the act of affection (sexual foreplay) or to the act of talking to someone or both?  Or neither?]

 Oregonian.  February 27, 1889.

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